
July 21, 2021 – TLC Times

By | TLC Times

Events at Tripp Lake Camp are such a huge part of our camper’s experience – many of them are rich in tradition, and others are ever-evolving, often created by the great minds of our campers and staff. Every year, each age group performs a different…

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July 20, 2021 – TLC Times

By | TLC Times

In all my years at camp, this is one of the rainiest summers we’ve ever had. Today brought off-and-on showers, but luckily, we were able to continue with our regular activities for every period except for one! This morning brought a number of little team…

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July 19, 2021 – TLC Times

By | TLC Times

With any late breakfast, campers are allowed to come to the dining hall in free dress – a favorite for our campers! Some campers arrive in their free dress, and some arrive in their uniform because it’s what they enjoy most – the idea being,…

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July 18, 2021 – TLC Times

By | TLC Times

When it comes to our campers, their talents are endless! Every year, I’m always impressed by a new skill that one of our campers picked up during the school year or the growth seen after a year away practicing. The theatre is no different –…

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July 17, 2021 – TLC Times

By | TLC Times

We woke up to a slight drizzle this morning, with pockets of sunshine, but nothing too much to keep us away from a day full of activities. Even though we’ve had quite the rainy start to our summer, I’m so happy that it’s been a…

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July 16, 2021 – TLC Times

By | TLC Times

Every year I always think the day after Special Day will bring more of a melancholy mood from our campers. With so much fun, sugar and sun, it’s easy to think that campers will come to breakfast as a quieter bunch. Yet every year, our…

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July 15, 2021 – TLC Times

By | TLC Times

Early this morning, before any camper was awake, our 1AB Seniors quietly dragged blue canoes out into the middle of campus by the flagpole. They laughed as they set out to pull their Senior prank to fake out camp that today was Special Day. To…

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July 14, 2021 – TLC Times

By | TLC Times

As you can imagine, my favorite days of camp are when I am out and about, spending time with all your girls for the better part of the day. This morning I spent time playing Gaga with our Juniors. Yes, you heard that right –…

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July 13, 2021 – TLC Times

By | TLC Times

We were lucky to only have a small pocket of rain today, which allowed almost every department to carry on with their normal activities. Knowing it would be a light rain with no thunder or lightning, our Head of Waterfront said, “They’re about to jump…

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July 12, 2021 – TLC Times

By | TLC Times

Today I spent time down by the waterfront and saw our girls practice their strokes, jump onto the waterski boat with the biggest smiles, and jump off the Thunderdome with their friends in hand. I always say that any day spent by the water at…

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