
July 28 & July 29, 2022 – TLC Times

By July 31, 2022 TLC Times

While the Inter IIs and IIIs were out on their canoe and rafting trips, the remainder of Tripp Lake Camp dove into their favorite activities as well as a number of specialty events designed to enhance skills and the camper experience for the remaining time at camp. For those of you who know the importance of our colored swim cap system, you’ll understand why each age group has been spending a lot of time down at the waterfront working with our swim staff on developing their swim strokes with the hopes of passing to the next cap color before the end of summer. This is a really big deal for our campers and it’s amazing to see how much pride they take in perfecting their swimming alongside supportive and encouraging peers.

Tripp Lake Camp SwimWe’ve had a number of campers participate in horseback riding this summer which has been wonderful to see! We have a passionate riding staff and 8 gentle horses that make this experience truly unique for the girls. Our campers participating in riding are often off in their own beautiful corner of camp, but yesterday they had the opportunity to show off all the riding skills they’ve learned this summer in front of their teammates in the little team riding show. Each camper was able to wear their little team flare and even add some of it to the horses!

Tripp Lake Camp HorseThe Inter I and SR age groups have been hitting the fields with enthusiasm and grit throughout a series of mini camps this week. So far, the mini camps have taken place for soccer, lacrosse and field hockey, and are showcasing each camper’s abilities while also providing them with more catered skill instruction from our wonderful staff. We even allowed the girls to participate in these camps wearing free dress so they felt like they were able to maneuver freely and feel confident in their own athletic wear. These campers have showed up ready to play every single day and it shows in the pride they take when competing against each other.

Tripp Lake Camp SoccerWe had another beautiful Friday evening service where the JRs were chosen to perform various traditional songs, including the fan favorite “Rainbow Connection”. We had a number of our lovely 1AB campers speak for all of camp again. You can tell these girls are really starting to reflect deeply on their experience at Tripp Lake, the relationships they’ve built, and how this experience has changed their lives for the better. Each girl took time to hand write or type their speech which they then read aloud with courage and sincerity. The tears were streaming before most of them even took to the microphone, and that just once again shows how much Tripp Lake has meant to them and their development as beautiful young women. There was a lot of focus on the friendships, the safe space of Tripp and the fact that they will continue to smile despite the emotional turmoil they may be feeling with there only been two weeks left in their time as a camper at Tripp Lake. We also spoke on the importance of making the most of your experience over these next two weeks. A lot can happen in two weeks and we encouraged our girls to spend quality time with their friends, spread kindness around camp, and try all the things they’ve wanted to this summer. There’s still a lot of camp left to live and we plan to live it to the fullest while we can!

Kind Regards,

Leslie and Katie