
What's Happening at Tripp Lake Camp: July 31, 2015

By July 31, 2015 TLC Times

“In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.”

-Kahlil Gibran, Artist

Day 34: The Little & Big Things That Matter

Today, Tripp Lake Camp was another full day of activities, complete with sports mini-camps kicking off in Soccer, Volleyball, Field Hockey, and Tennis. Inter I’s  & Seniors sign up for these mini-camps to skill build and sharpen their techniques for the sports they plan on playing once they’re back at school. The Inter II’s returned from their overnight rafting trip, marking the end to another safe Long Trip Week.

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But, it was our Friday Evening Service which became the true centerpiece of the day. Once again, campers & counselors gathered at Top of the Hill overlooking Kitty Car, Baffie’s Garden, and Tripp Lake. The Juniors & AJs sang a heartwarming rendition of Rainbow Connection, followed by two speeches; one given by seven Senior II’s (pictured below), and our lovely swim counselor, Megan Watson. The TLC Daily Blog has included a near full audio of today’s Friday Evening Service below. Click on each link below to listen:

The Juniors & AJs sing Rainbow Connection. Prepare for your to heart melt.

Friday Evening Services – Rainbow Connection

Screen Shot 2015-07-31 at 8.46.22 PMSenior IIs’ Alex, Jess, Aerin, Maggie, Jessica, Allie, & Joely talk about “real world” moments , which immediately remind them of camp. Anyone who has spent a good amount of their summers at Tripp Lake Camp can easily identify with this.

Senior IIs’ Friday Evening Service Speech

Swim counselor, Megan Watson, talked about recognizing the “big things”  from the “smaller things,”at camp, and why it’s important to distinguish the two. Listen below to find out why.

Megan Watson’s Friday Evening Services Speech

Finally, I would like to close out today’s blog with a gorgeous–and I mean absolutely gorgeous–photo taken by Inter I camper, Maddy. Last night, a full moon hung in the night sky, and it lit up campus. If you look hard enough, I swear you can hear crickets chirping and the creaking of bunk doors.

Screen Shot 2015-07-31 at 2.35.15 PM(click on the picture to see a larger resolution image)